Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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Measures for the Administration of examination and approval of the entry and exit of cultural relics

Measures for the Administration of examination and approval of the entry and exit of cultural relics


Decree 42 of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China




Minister: Sun Jiazheng

July 13, 2007


Measures for the Administration of examination and approval of the entry and exit of cultural relics


第一条 为加强对文物进出境审核的管理,根据《电子pg游戏官网》和《电子pg游戏官网》,制定本办法。


第二条 State Administration of Cultural Heritage负责文物进出境审核管理工作,指定文物进出境审核机构承担文物进出境审核工作。

文物进出境审核机构是文物行政执法机构,依法独立行使职权,向State Administration of Cultural Heritage汇报工作,接受State Administration of Cultural Heritage业务指导。


Article 3 The examination and approval agency for the entry and exit of cultural relics shall be jointly established by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the people's government at the provincial level。The people's government at the provincial level shall guarantee the establishment, office space and working funds of the examination and approval institutions for the entry and exit of cultural relics。The State Administration of Cultural Heritage shall subsidize the operational funds of the examination and approval institutions for the entry and exit of cultural relics。


Article 4 The examination and approval institutions for the entry and exit of cultural relics shall meet the following conditions:

(1) There are more than 7 full-time cultural relics appraisers, of which no less than 5 are responsible for the entry and exit of cultural relics;

(2) having a fixed office space and necessary technical equipment;

(3) The working funds shall be fully incorporated into the fiscal budget。


第五条 State Administration of Cultural Heritage根据文物进出境审核工作的需要,指定具备条件的文物进出境审核机构承担文物进出境审核工作,使用文物出境标识和文物临时进境标识,对允许出境的文物发放文物出境许可证。


第六条 文物进出境审核机构的工作人员实行持证上岗制度,不得在文物商店或者拍卖企业任职、兼职。The principal person in charge of the examination and approval agency for the entry and exit of cultural relics shall obtain the qualification certificate issued by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage。

文物进出境责任鉴定员应当取得大学本科以上学历和文物博物专业中级以上职称,并经State Administration of Cultural Heritage考核合格。


Article 7 The daily management of the entry and exit examination institutions of cultural relics shall be the responsibility of the local provincial cultural relics administrative department。Provincial cultural relics authorities shall formulate relevant management systems and report to the State Administration of Cultural Heritage for the record。

The examination and approval institutions for the entry and exit of cultural relics shall take measures to ensure that the examination and approval work is efficient and fair。


Article 8 The exit of the following cultural relics shall be subject to examination and verification:

(1) All kinds of art and arts and crafts before 1949 (inclusive);

(2) manuscripts, documentary materials and book materials before 1949;

(3) physical objects related to the social system, social production and social life of various nationalities before 1949 (inclusive);

(4) representative objects related to major events or famous people after 1949;


(6) The works of the late famous modern calligraphers and painters, arts and crafts artists, which are restricted from leaving the country by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage;

(7) Fossils of ancient apes, ancient human fossils, and Quaternary vertebrate fossils related to human activities。

The examination standards for the exit of cultural relics shall be revised and promulgated by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage on a regular basis。


第九条 运送、邮寄、携带文物出境,应当在文物出境前填写文物出境申请表,报文物进出境审核机构审核。



第十条 文物进出境审核机构审核文物,应当有3名以上专职文物鉴定人员参加,其中文物进出境责任鉴定员不得少于2名。

The exit permit for cultural relics shall be jointly signed by the experts responsible for the entry and exit of cultural relics participating in the examination。文物进出境责任鉴定员一致同意允许出境的文物,文物进出境审核机构方可加盖文物出境审核专用章。


第十一条 经审核允许出境的文物,由文物进出境审核机构标明文物出境标识,发放文物出境许可证。The Customs shall, after checking the exit marks of cultural relics, release them with exit permits。


Cultural relics that are not allowed to leave the country after examination shall be registered and returned by the entry and exit examination agencies for cultural relics。



第十二条 因修复、展览、销售、鉴定等原因临时进境的文物,经海关加封后,报文物进出境审核机构审核、登记。文物进出境审核机构查验海关封志完好无损后,对每件临时进境文物进行审核,标明文物临时进境标识并登记。

When temporarily entering cultural relics are re-entering the country, they shall be declared to the original entry and exit examination agency of cultural relics that examined and registered them。文物进出境审核机构应对照进境记录审核查验,确认文物临时进境标识无误后,标明文物出境标识,发给文物出境许可证。


第十三条 临时进境文物在境内滞留时间,除经海关和文物进出境审核机构批准外,不得超过6个月。

Temporary cultural relics staying in the territory and returning to the country after the deadline shall be examined in accordance with the examination standards and procedures for the exit of cultural relics。


Article 14 Cultural relics temporarily leaving the country for exhibition, scientific research and other reasons shall be declared to the entry and exit examination agency of cultural relics before leaving the country。The examination and approval institutions for the entry and exit of cultural relics shall go through the examination and registration procedures in accordance with the approval documents of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage。

Upon the re-entry of cultural relics temporarily exiting the country, they shall be examined and examined by the entry and exit examination institutions of cultural relics that originally examined and registered them。


第十五条 文物进出境审核机构在审核文物过程中,发现涉嫌非法持有文物或文物流失问题的,应立即向公安机关和State Administration of Cultural Heritage报告。


第十六条 文物出境标识、文物临时进境标识和文物出境许可证,由文物进出境审核机构指定专人保管。The use of the above articles shall be confirmed by the signature of the person in charge of the entry and exit examination agency of cultural relics。


Article 17 Those who violate the provisions of these Measures and cause the loss of cultural relics shall be investigated for responsibility according to the relevant provisions。


第十八条 文物出境标识、文物临时进境标识、文物出境许可证、文物复仿制品证明和文物出境申请表,由State Administration of Cultural Heritage统一制作。


第十九条 尚未组建文物进出境审核机构的省、自治区、直辖市,应当根据本办法的规定组建文物进出境审核机构;组建前的文物进出境审核工作由State Administration of Cultural Heritage指定文物进出境审核机构承担。


第二十条 本办法自公布之日起施行,1989年文化部发布的《电子pg游戏官网》同日废止。



Cultural relics exit examination standards


(2007年4月3日经State Administration of Cultural Heritage第4次局务会议审议通过,自2007年6月5日起施行)






2. The import and export examination institutions of cultural relics shall implement these standards when carrying out the exit examination of cultural relics。


This standard takes 1949 as the main standard line。凡在1949年以前(含1949年)生产、制作的具有一定历史、艺术、科学价值的文物,原则上禁止出境。Cultural relics produced or produced before or including 1911 are prohibited from leaving the country。


4. The year 1966 is the main standard for cultural relics of ethnic minorities。Cultural relics representative of ethnic minorities produced or made before 1966 (including 1966) are prohibited from leaving the country。


5. These Standards shall be applied to the classification of foreign cultural relics and books existing in our country, just like those in our country。






8. Cultural relics listed in this standard belong to different audit categories and shall be subject to the lower limit of exit prohibition。


9. This standard shall be interpreted and revised periodically by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage。


After the implementation of this standard, if other provisions previously issued by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage are inconsistent with this standard, this standard shall prevail。


Audit category restrictions


1.Fossils of ancient apes, ancient human fossils and Quaternary vertebrate fossils related to human activities are prohibited from leaving the country


2.Physical information of the building




3.Painting and calligraphy










6.1 The exit of the country shall be prohibited from all parts of the country, including the broken, unlettered or inscriptions and patterns

6.2. Imperial Seals Made by famous Seals Prohibited from leaving the country before 1911,Including seals, seals, stamps, etc., which have been used by military and political organizations, political parties, and mass organizations shall be prohibited from leaving the country,以及其他有特殊意义的印章、关防、印信等;著名人物使用过的有代表性的个人印章一九四九年以前的禁止出境

6.3. No exit is allowed

6.The four types of certificates, including symbols, iron certificates, lead certificates, and waist plates, were prohibited from leaving the country before 1911


6.Stone scriptures, carved stones, stone tablets, sutras, epitaphs, etc. of the past dynasties are prohibited from leaving the country before 1949

6.(7) Engravings of books, plates, drawings, printed plates, etc. before 1949 are prohibited from leaving the country


7.Books and documents

7.Bamboo and wooden slips, including those without characters, are prohibited from leaving the country



7.4 Books Prohibited from leaving the country before 1911, the limited stock of wooden block books and the complete majority of books in lithography and lead prints,如图书集成、四部丛刊、丛书集成、万有文库等一九四九年以前的禁止出境有重要历史、学术价值的报刊、教材、图册等一九四九年以前的禁止出境有重大影响的出版物的原始版本或最早版本一九四九年以前的禁止出境有领袖人物重要批注手迹的一律禁止出境地方志、家谱、族谱一九四九年以前的禁止出境





8.All kinds of physical currency, metal weighing currency, gold and silver money, etc. of ancient coins are prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

8.2 Old banknotes, precious notes, silver notes, money notes, private notes, etc. are prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

8.3 Modern mechanism coins Gold, silver, copper, nickel and other metal coins and commemorative coins before 1949 are prohibited from leaving the country

8.4 Modern banknotes with important historical, artistic or scientific value are prohibited from leaving the country before 1949

8.All kinds of ancient money models and all kinds of modern coin molds are prohibited from leaving the country

8.Note plates of all kinds of materials in all periods are prohibited from leaving the country

8.7 Coin design drawings, including sample money, carved mother money, mother money, etc. are prohibited from leaving the country



9.1 Cars and carriages, including parts and components, were prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

9.Gear and harness, including parts and components, are prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

9.3 Shoes and hats prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

9.4 Clothing prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

9.5 Jewelry prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

9.6 Wear a ban on travel before 1911





10.3 Musical Instruments, including dance instruments, prohibited from leaving the country before 1911 and used by famous deceased artists are prohibited from leaving the country

10.4. Forbidden to leave the country before 1911

10.5 Weights and measures including Annex before 1911 prohibited exit

10.6 Religious instruments, including Musical Instruments, flags and flags, were prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

10.7 Terra-cotta figures and objects made of various materials for burial were prohibited from leaving the country before 1911





10.12 Lacquerware before 1911, the prohibition of leaving the country of famous artists, famous workshops or products with famous names shall be carried out with reference to the list

10.13 All kinds of fabrics, embroideries and their finished products and fragments,包括附属于手卷、画轴、册页上的包首、隔水等所用织绣品一九一一年以前的禁止出境地毯、挂毯等一九一一年以前的禁止出境成匹的各种绸、缎、绫、罗、纱、绢、锦、棉、麻、呢、绒等织物一九四九年以前的禁止出境织绣、印染等名家制品参照名单执行缂丝、缂毛(包括残片)一九四九年以前的禁止出境

10.14 Clocks before 1911 are prohibited from leaving the country

10.15. The list of famous household articles prohibited from leaving the country before 1911 shall be implemented with reference to the list

10.16 Fan including fan bones, fan face before 1911 prohibited from leaving the reference list of famous household products


11.Folk articles






12.2 Ink-stones before 1911 Prohibited from leaving the country Ink-stones made by famous artists or used by celebrities before 1949 prohibited from leaving the country

12.3 including the pen holder before 1911 prohibited from leaving the country

12.The exit of ink, including ink models before 1949, is prohibited





14.Arts and crafts


14.2 Glassware prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

14.3 The export of wire cutting enamel and painting enamel before 1911 is prohibited

14.4 Wood carvings are prohibited from leaving the country before 1911


14.Rattan and bamboo articles made of rattan, bamboo, straw, etc. were prohibited from leaving the country before 1911

14.7 Fire paintings, including grass paintings and paper paintings, were prohibited from leaving the country before 1911


14.Iron paintings prohibited from leaving the country before 1949




16.Cultural relics of minority nationalities

16.National costumes, including accessories of various materials, were prohibited from leaving the country before 1966

16.(2) Tools of production that reflect the traditional mode of production of the nation are prohibited from leaving the country before 1966

16.3 Folk articles of daily use that reflect the traditional way of life of the ethnic group and have the characteristics of national crafts are prohibited from leaving the country before 1966

16.(4) Building materials representative of ethnic building components prohibited from leaving the country before 1966




16.8 Celebrities' relics and important historical events and activities are prohibited from being exported (2007.10.17)




Heritage Protection [2001] No. 42


Cultural affairs departments (bureaus), cultural relics bureaus, and cultural management committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government:






Appendix: Appraisal standards for the restriction of exit of the works of famous dead painters and calligrapher after 1949




1. Works are not allowed to leave the country (10 people)

Wang Shiguo He Xiangning Li Keran Lin Fengmian Xu Beihong

高?𢙓 8Fuxanthin (Binhong) Fu Baoshi Pan Tianshou


2. Works are not allowed to leave the country in principle (23 people)

Yu Youren Yu Zhao (not dark) Feng Zikai Shi Luqi Huang (White stone) 

Liu Kuiling Liu Haisu Zhangyuan (Daqian) Shen Yinmo Wu Zuoren

Wu Hufan Chen Yunzhang (Shao Mei) Lu Yan Shao Lin Sanzhi

Zhao Puchu Gao?Holding ㄆ her tamarine makes money loose?Arc "� Mo Ruo

Huang Zhou Jiang Zhao and Xie Zhiliu Pu Ru (Xin She) Yan Wenliang


3. Those who are not allowed to leave the country (107 people)

Ding Yanyong Ma Xulun Ma Yifu Ma Jin Wang Xian (簃)

Wang Xin Jing Wang Wei Wang Xuetao Wang Shuhui Wang Fuan

King Xiang King Qu often square people set square to send many Deng scattered wood

Deng Er Sembiye shallow to Ye Gongchuo Gotsuen (Xiang LAN) white banana

Feng Ji (transcendent) Feng Jianwu Tian Shiguang ancient Yuan Zhu Qizhan

Zhu Jiaji Zhu Fukan Lv Fengzi Liu Zijiu Liu Jiyou

Liu Lingcang Jiang Han Ting Guan Liang Wu Jia Lu (Yu Ru) Wu Renzhi

Wu Xianzeng (Guangyu) Wu Huayuan Wu Tong (Qin Mu) Wu Zheng (Waiting for autumn) Wu Xizeng (Jing Ting)

Chen Zhifu Chen Zifen Chen Zizhuang (stone pot) Chen Qiucao (half Ding)

Zhang Dazhuang Zhang Shuqi Zhang Kehe (Shiyuan) Zhang Zongxiang Zhang Qiyi

Zhang Zhenduo Zhang Zhaoming Li Ying (Kuchan) Li Tiefu Li Geng

Li Qiong Jiu Lu Chong (Qi Fei) Lu Wei Zhao came to Chu Sheng Shamenghai

Song Wenzhi He Ying (Hai Xia) Yu Rentian Yingye Ping Shao Zhang

Su Baozhen Zheng Chang (Wu Chang) Zheng Xuexian Zhou Ren (Huai Min) Zhou Sicong

Zhou Zhaoxiang Zhou Yuanliang Zhao Shao-ang Zhao Qi (Yun He) Zhao Wangyun

罗?Hu Xiaoshi Hu Peiheng He Tianjian Rong Geng

Xu Zonghao, Xu Cao, Qinyu (Zhong Wen), Tao Yiqing, Qian Jun Torta

Tang Yun high two Gu Tinglong Zhule three Guo Weiqu

Cao Ke's family Chang Shuhong Huang Fuwu Huang Junbi Huang Qiuyuan

Huang Prajna Huang Xinbo Shang Chengzuo Zhang Shizhao Dong Kui (Shouping)

Xie Zhiguang Xie Wufang Fu Zengxiang Li Binghongpu?�

溥?By CAI Heting


Appendix: Restrictions on the exit appraisal standards of famous calligraphic and painter works from 1795 to 1949


According to the domestic stock, to avoid gaps, all the works of the following famous calligraphers and painters are included in the scope of cultural relics exit restrictions:


1. Works are not allowed to leave the country (20 people)

Wang Wenzhi (Meng Lou) Wang Chen (Peng Xin) Deng Shiru (Stubborn Bo) Ren Xiong (Wei Chang) Zhang Huiyan (Gao Wen)

Zhao Zhiqian (㧑 Uncle) Hua Guan (Jiya) Duan Yujie (Maotang) Liu Yanchong (Yong Zhi) Jin Liying (Five Clouds)

Hong Yangji (Yacun) Yuji (Qiushi) Fei Danxu (Xiaolou) Xu Sangeng (Xiuhai) Dong Wanzhen (Shuanghu)

张?Youn-ㄏ ︹ Zheng Donggu (Slack He) Ji Qi (Chi Asian) Huang Yi (Komatsu) Fan Gongshou (Lotus Chao)


2. Works are not allowed to leave the country in principle (32 people)

Wang Jie (Great man) Wang Mingsheng (Auditorium) Fang Xun (Lanshi) 永瑆 (Shao Factory) Lin Zexu (Shao Mu)

Feng Minchang (Bo Qiu) Tie Bao (Mei 'an) Ji Yun (Xiaolan) Yi Bingshou (Mo Qing) Ren Yi (Bo Nian)

严复(几道) 奚冈(铁生) 吴荣光(荷屋) 钱杜(叔美) 沈宗骞(芥舟)

孙星衍(渊如 刘墉(石庵) 姚鼐(姬传) 翁方纲(覃溪) 陈师曾(衡恪)

Qian Daxin (Zhu Ting) Wang Chengpei (Shi Zhai) Wu Junqing (Changshuo Li Shutong (Hong Yi) Yuan Mei (Zi CAI)

钱坫(十兰) 戴熙(醇士) 黎简(二樵) 法式善(梧门) 梁同书(山舟

Liang Qichao (Ren Gong) Dong Gao (Bagasse)  


3. Fine works and representative works of various periods are not allowed to leave the country (193 people)

Ding Yicheng (Yimen) Ding Foyan (Songyou) Wan Shanglilian (Wanggang) Ren Yu (Lifan) You Yin (Shuicun)

Wen Ding (Houshan) WANG Yinzhi (Boshen) WANG Li (Qiuyan) 王芑孙 (Tiifu) WANG Xuexao (Jiaoqi)

Wang Chang (Defu) Wang Kaiyun (Xiang Qi) Wang Su (Xiao Mei) Wang Yirong (Zheng Ru) Ji Fen (Xiao Yu)

Long Qirui (Han Chen) Bao Shichen (Shen Bo) Ren Xun (Fu Chang) 石韫玉 (Zhuotang) FENG Qi (Qiu He)

Feng Yuji (Zhan Yun) Sima Zhong (Xiu Gu) Wan Chengji (Lian Shan) Zuo Zongtang (Ji Gao) Jiang Jie (Shi Ru)

朱文新(涤斋) 朱为弼(椒堂) 那彦成(绎堂) 朱鹤年(野云) 朱孝纯(子颖)

Zhu Angzhi (Qingli) Zhu Ben (Vegetarian) Zhu Cheng (Meng Lu) Zhu Xiong (Meng Quan) Ruan Yuan (Yuntai)

Xu Naizhao (Xinchen) Bi Yuan (Qiufan) Bi Han (Jiao Lu) Bi Jian (Zhong Bai) Tang Jinzhao (Dun Fu)

Tang Yifen (Yusheng) TANG DI (Ding Zhi) Da Sheng (Liuzhou) LIU DeLIU (Zi He) 祁寯藻 (Shuying)

Wu 鼒 (Shan Zun) He Chong (Danshan) Sha Fu (Shan Chun) She Qixiang (Chun Fan) Yu Shaosong (Yue Yuan)

Wu Dacheng (Qing Qing) He Shaoji (Zi Zhen) Song Xiang (Zhi Wan) Wu Xizai (Rangzhi) Wu Qingyun (Shi Xian)

Song Guangbao (Ou Tang) Shen Zengzhi (Mei Su) 吴榖祥 (Qiu Nong) Wu Xilin (Ji Ren) Wang Fang (Shu Ming)

Wang Feng (Muting) Li Yu (Meisheng) Lu Hui (Lian Fu) Song Baochun (tired Chou) Wang Qishu (Xiufeng)

Li Zhaoluo (Shen Qi) Wang Gong (Zhu Ping) Li Hongzhang (Shao Quan) Li Xiuyi (Qian Zhai) Zhang Zhiwan (Zi Qing)

Zhang Zhidong (Xiangtao) Zhang Zhaoxiang (Tewall) Zhang Ruzhi (Ink pool) Zhang Qia (Yuechuan) Zhang Wentao (Chuanshan)

Zhang Tingji (Shu Wei) Zhang Boying (Bao Fu) Zhang Ze (Shan Zi) Zhang Xianghe (poem 舲) Zhang Peidong (Yan Qiao)

Zhang Du (Shu Xian) Zhang 敔 (Xue Hong) Zhang Yuzhao (Lian Qing) Zhang Pan (Xiao Peng) Zhang Xiong (Zi Xiang)

Zhang Yanchang # (his) Chen Jieqi (Fu lent) Zhang Mu (Shi Zhou) Chen Hongshou (raw) Chen Xizu (jade)

Chen Shuren (Progress) Chen Yuzhong (Qiutang) Zhao Ziyong (Ming Shan) Su Liupeng (Pillow Qin) Yan Yu (Xiangfu)

Jin Qi (Yunlu) Jin Cheng (North Building) Zheng Xiaoxu (Su Kan) Chen Li (LAN Fu) Yang Xian (Miao Weng)

Yang Shoujing (Xingwu) Wu Yi (Hollow Valley) Su Changchun (Renshan) Lin Shu (Qinnan) Ju Chao (Guquan)

Yang Yisun (Haosu) Ying He (Xuzhai) Zhou Hao (Zijing) Yu Li (Dafu) Luo Tian Chi (Six Lakes)

Luo Zhenyu (Snow Hall) Zhao Wei (Jinzhai) Yao Yuanzhi (Bo Ang) Yao Wentian (Qiunong) Yu Yue (Quyuan)

Yu Ming (Difan) Yao Xie (Meibo) Hu Yuan (Gongshou) Zhao Bingchong (Yanhuai) Hu Xigui (Sanqiao)   

Hong Fan (Shi Nong) Jiang Yu (Li Ren) Jiang Jun (Ying Sheng) Jiang Xun (Xiaoquan) Zhao Zhichen (Xixian)

Zhao Guang (Rongfang) Niu Shuyu (Lantian) Ni Tian (Mogeng) GUO Shangxian (Lanshi) Guo 麐 (Pinjia)

Yin Shubai (Cloud Tower) Weng Tonghe (Shuping) Weng Luo (Xiaohai) Zhenran (Lianxi) Qin Zuyong (Yifen)

Qin Bingwen (Yiting) GUI Fu (Weigu) Xu Shichang (Juren) Xu Jian (絸 Ting) Mo Youzhi (郘 ting)

Gao Jianseng (Qiuxi) Gao Shucheng (Mai 'an) Tao Liang (Wu Xiangxiang) Qian Song (Shugai) Qian Weiqiao (Zhuchu)

钱伯坰(鲁斯) 钱泳(梅溪) 钱慧安(吉生) 钱振鍠(名山) 顾麟士(鹤逸)

Gu Woon-Xu (Ruopo) Gu Guangxu (Qingsha) Gu Luo (Ximei) Gu Gao (Secret stone) Gu Chun (Nanya)

Gu Heqing?| nunnery) Zhang Binglin (Taiyan) Gu Hui (Mozhuang) Kang Youwei (Changsu) Huang Shanshou (Xuchu)

Huang Jun (Jiyuan) Cao Zhenxiu (Mo Qin) Liang Zhangju (�?Lam) LEUNG Ai-Iru (Tsing Ya) Tu Zhuo (Qin Wu)

Shanda (Zi Lou) Huang Cheng (Left Tian) Cheng Tinglu (Xu Bo) Huang Peifang (Xiangshi) Xiao Junxian (厔 Quan)

Zeng Guo-fan (Dis Sheng) Xiao?簦ㄇ�中) 曾熙(家髯) 曾燠(宾谷) 程璋(瑶笙)

Jiao Xun (Litang) Shu Wei (Tie Yun) Yingbao (Meng Chan) Dong Xun (Koike) Jiang Baoling (Xia Zhu)

Jiang Lian (Xianghu) Jiang Jing (Jingzhi) Xie Lansheng (Lifu) Pu Hua (Zuoying) Bao Jun (Yiqing)

Que LAN (Wen Shan) Zhai Dakun (Yun Ping) Zhai Jichang (Qin Feng) Xiong Jingheng (Dijiang) Miao Bingtai (Xiang Xian)

Pan Simu (Qiao Lv) Dai Quheng (Lian Shi)


State Administration of Cultural Heritage

November 15, 2001



Notice on the issuance of the Criteria for the Restriction of Exit Appraisal of the Works of Famous Dead Painters and Calligrapher after 1949 (the Second Batch)


Cultural Relics Bofa (2013) 3


The cultural relics Bureau (Department of Culture) of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government, and the national cultural relics entry and exit examination and Administration Office:


In order to strengthen the protection of Chinese modern famous calligraphers and painters works,In 2001, our Bureau issued the "Appraisal Standards for the Restriction of Exit of Works of Famous Dead Painters and Calligrapher after 1949".,Local authorities for examination and approval of the entry and exit of cultural relics strictly implement the standards,Standardize the approval of works and exit restrictions,It has prevented the loss of precious modern and calligraphic works。


Since 2001, some famous painters and calligraphers have passed away。为加强对这些书画家作品的保护,我局在征求文物、文化、美术界专家意见的基础上,拟定增补了相关出境鉴定标准。




State Administration of Cultural Heritage

February 4, 2013


Criteria for Restriction of Exit Appraisal of Works of Famous Dead Painters and Calligrapher after 1949 (the second batch)




1. Works are not allowed to leave the country (1 person)

Wu Guanzhong


2. Works are not allowed to leave the country in principle (2 persons)

Guan Shanyue Chen Yifei


3. Representatives not allowed to leave the country (21)

In Xining Wang Zhaowen white snow stone Yaming Liu Dinian house Liu Bingsen

Xu Linlu Qigong Zhang Dingzong incense Zheng Naiguang Yanhan

Lou Shibai Huang Miaozi Xiao Shufang Cui Zfan Cheng Shifa CAI Ruohong

Li Xiongcai 潘絜兹 Wei Zixi

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Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD  

Address: Henan ProvinceArt and Art Museum, one floor, North Gate of the North District of the World Collection, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City   Contact number:400—829—9007

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    • 400-829-9007
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